I assure you I went to every single blog and was inspired by your creations, unfortunately there could be only ONE winner!
And now - drumroll ... True Random Number Generator Has Spoken...

It's Jennifer Scull from USA! Congratulations and I hope you will enjoy your brand new toys!
I will contact you today.
Hugs to everybody
I am so sad that the Random Number thingy didn't pick me but I am glad it picked Jennifer. Hopefully all this wonderful loot will make her feel better. How special of you to offer this Annika!
Congrats Jennifer! Hope she would take as much care for it as I would :P
oh my gosh, this is just amazing! thank you so very very much! you are just so kind and generous, Annika! haven't even had my morning cuppa yet, and already you have made my day! thank you again! :)
Congrats to the lucky girl!!!Whoo Jen!
Congrats Jennifer - have fun with all that fab. stash.
Thanks Annika for giving us the opportunity to win!
Love, Sylvia xxx
congrats jennifer, enjoy the candy, hugs angelique
Congrats Jennifer!
Congrats, Jennifer!! Couldn't have happened to a sweeter person! :)
Congratulations Jennifer!
Congrats Jennifer!!
Hi Annika- I posted about your giveaway on my blog for the last week, now this week I am having daily giveaways leading up to a grand prize on Sunday... I would really appreciate it if you would advertise for me also- and of course enter to win!! thanks again for the fun ;0)
I concur with Cec-the random generator did well =) A most deserving lady!
Congratz Jennifer, enjoy your goodies!!
Annika, thank you so much for the chance!
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