I am using Kenny K rubber stamp Kitty Katastrophe from Whimsy Stamps and marker blending paper from Make It Crafty.
1) I am NO expert. Don't even have Copic certification and can't get certified here in Ireland either, as far as I know.
2) I do have strong accent and poor-ish English. Brace yourselves.
3) I'm a waffler. 'Nuf said.
First video requires following markers:
E13/11/01/00/000/0000 (the last one is optional)
You can watch it on Youtube HERE - the quality options are better there.
The second video is a very short one on colouring eyes and lips. It was originally part of the first one and butchered in editing to ultra short. It's thus fairly useless but I just didn't have time to re-edit. :( I'll plan things better next time (well, I hope to).
You will need B02/05 and R12/14/39
You can watch it on Youtube HERE - the quality options are better there.
I hope you find them useful. Let me know if you have any tips for future.
And just a little reminder - I don't have a card today but Kenny K Krafty Girlz has a new challenge today - there's a new release and fab prizes to boot!
Thanks for dropping by!!
Its an amazing tutorial Annika! Your English is just right!!! Wonderful colouring.
Hugs Ageeth xxx
my my Annika, this is just the video tutorial I have dreamed about to see one day!
Fantastic job dear!
Totally awesome Annika, you've done a fabulous job with the tutorial and I could even understand you....LOL
Donna xx
Wow!! I really enjoyed the tut Annika, your english is perfect and your skills are amazing. Thank you so very much. I'm off to buy some copics, never used them before. lol.
Suzi x
I've just watched both Annika straight from your blog and they're amazing, great detail and everything was explained so clearly...wonderful job and I understood you perfectly! Thankyou! Hugs, Teresa x
My goodness,you make colouring make sense! Can't wait to have a go!:) xxx thanks,Julie xxx
Hi Annika.
Thank you. You are amazing.
And it was very nice to hear your voice. It's like hearing from an old friend !! :)
A fabulous tutorial and just love your technigue!!!
I loved your voice is sounded so lovely!! Chanelle xxx
you sound awesome :) don't know what your talkin bout girl!!
YAY!!!!!!!! I'm soooooo glad you did these videos! I love how you do your facial coloring. Awesome Annika!
Fab tutorial Annika!!
That was great Annika! Loved it! Hope I can follow some of your wonderful tips! Loved hearing your voice. Your English is perfect! Hope to see more videos now that you are a professional! LOl!
Wonderful tutorials Annika! Thank you so much for sharing! I love your accent - I can hear both the Irish and the Estonian! Please make LOADS more videos - you are a natural! :o)
Annika you're mad! That's some of the best English I've heard, your english is absolutely perfect! And the colouring... well you are a magician, I swear! thanks for the inspiration, can't wait to try it!
This tutorial is amazing! One of the most explicit but easy to follow ones I have ever seen. PLEASE make more!!! And I had no problems with you accent or English, love to hear an Irish accent anyways.
Yay! I have been hanging out for you to post it so that I could shout it to the world!! heheee Absolutely love it and the first chance I have to have 'play' time I am going to be following every little step! big squeezes xxooo
Fab tutorials, Annika (now if only I had some copics!!!). Love hearing the Irish vowel sounds and phrases in the midst of your Estonian accent!!
Julie x
Your amazing!! Loved both videos. Learn some wonderful new techniques!!
Thank you can't wait for more..
You are amazing Annika thsi is fabulous!! Thanks so much for sharing your talents girl!! Hope you are having a GREAT weekend!
Absolutely brilliant!!!! I wish I had this yesterday - coloured the same image but much less skillfully. Looking forward to future tutolials
Great Tutorial. I don't use copic, I have promarkers but I will follow your technique all the same. I will forever onward flick instead of circle lol. Your English is perfectly understandable, and I love how much of an Irish Accent you have picked up, it's very pleasant to listen to. Thanks, and I'm looking forward to seeing future tutorial from you...hint, hint. Take care, hugs lin
Annika, you really are a genius at coloring! Thank you for finally doing this tutorial... now what about the rest of her?? I'll be waiting patiently! ;) mwah hugs, Angela
Annika, these tutorials were fantastic. Thank you so much for sharing your techniques. I can't wait to see more. Sweetie, you speak perfect english and I love your accent.
Oh my word girl!! You are so brilliant hun!! I adore this and your English is lovely sweetie! :) Thanks so much for doing this!! BIG HUGS
Annika, my dear, you sound SOOOOO freaking adorable! And not to mention, your coloring is superb. Even though I don't use Copics anymore, I thoroughly enjoyed listening to you and watching you create a masterpiece :)
I have so very much missed your creations...
- Ann
What a fantastic tutorial. thanks so much for taking the time. And how could I not watch the video and listen to your fantastic Irish accent. :-)
Fantastic tutorial!!! Thank you so much (and your english is great!)
Just loved your tutorials! Im off to practice now x
Annika thanks sooooooo much for the fabulous tutorials, not only can you colour amazingly but your English is perfect :)
hugs Mandy xx
Just had time to watch these in their entirety. :-) You did an awesome job, Annika. I could listen to you all day! It was so cool hearing the blend of Estonian and Irish accents. Actually I dragged my husband in to listen and he said that if I hadn't said you were Estonian he would have just assumed you were Irish. (He's British, so pretty good at recognizing accents). So don't feel intimidated by you're accent. I think you speak better English than most English! lol Hey, you don't catch me making a video do you? :-D
Anyway, back to your coloring! What can I say? Its perfect!
Are you gonna do prismacolors on Kraft next?
Super videos! I love them! So helpful too!
You want to know what I think? I think you need to teach Copic classes. You are amazing. I stop by all the time, I am just so busy I never leave a comment. Sorry!
Your English was perfect...just an accent. Thank you so much for the tutorial. I have been coloring a lot of flowers. No faces, but the shading is where I need help. So, thanks again. :)
Your English is beautiful to listen to. Your voice is soothing Dear! I am really happy to see how you work your magic. It is very different from what I have been doing. hmm, makes me want to switch styles so I can colour more like you! I'm so happy you showed us your how-to. Thank you for taking the time to do this!
Awesome! I've been trying to get time all week to watch your tutorials and they are just what I expected from you - amazing! Your technique will be so helpful to me. I do it the reverse, adding the shadows in last. I also am a "flicker" so thanks for validating my technique! I just don't get good results from blending in circles (probably doing it wrong).
I hope you will do another tut on how you put the deep folds in clothing - the colors you use. I just can't seem to get those right.
Thanks again for sharing your incredible coloring talents - and I must say, I found your English perfect and your lilt is charming!
Thanks Annika for doing this tutorial. When I first invested in the few copics I own I went for skin colours and hair colours, but until now had only used the 00. Thanks for getting me to use the others!
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