Monday, March 14, 2011

I am quietly seeping back into the land of blogging :)

Well, lets say I've had a rough month, been lazy and lethargic and utterly devoid of any interest and energy. Trying to get my act together now though. Thank you so much for words of support, for understanding, for the beautiful cards you sent me - I truly am blessed with marvelous friends!

It shows my level of procrastination that my last post was Whimsy February release and now I am coming back with sneak previews for Whimsy March release. :D

Today we are showing you Meljens stamps for March release and the one I've used is called Little Puddle Duck. It's going toe available at Whimsy Stamps on Wednesday this week.

As always after a long break I have kinda lost my grip on Copics, hopefully a little practice will mend that.:)
Thank you so much for dropping in and I'll be back tomorrow with another sneaky-peaky :)



CraftinGranny said...

So glad to have you back. You've been missed dear friend. This is an adorable card and fantastic coloring of the image. Love the button rose you've created. Hope you are feeling better. It's good to take a break every so often and it feels so good when you get back to being yourself and doing what you love to do. "Hugs" Carol

Sue from Oregon said...

Welcome back Annika! I am always thrilled to see your creations and I so totally love the dot technique on is much harder than it looks and is one of my very fave! Great card tonight!

Linda Coughlin, the funkie junkie said...

Humm, it doesn't look like you've lost your grip on anything artistic to me! This card has all the hallmarks of your special touches - love your Copic work here.

So happy to see you posting again. You had me concerned, my dear. Hope the break has done you good and that you'll be back stronger than ever. I've missed the inspiration you provide and am looking forward to seeing more!


Sylvia Blum said...

It's sooooo good to see you back creating, hunny! I'm still so sorry for your loss and you are constantely in my thoughts!
Sending you lots of

Viv said...

Gorgeous card Annika, I've missed seeing your beautiful work.
Hope you are holding up hun, it's been a tough time for you.
Big hugs from NZ

Viv xx

Shirl said...

Welcome back Annika, your card is gorgeous and it certainly didn't look like you've lost your grip with Copics.

Hope everything is well on your end.

Heidi said...

Welcome back Annika!
It's so good to hear from you again:)
Your card is gorgeous and your colouring is fantastic.
Hope you are feeling better!
Hugs, Heidi:)

-Sanna- said...

I'm so pleased to "see you again", Annika.
We have all missed you.
Such a gorgeous card you have made here. It gives me a feeling of spring.
Even if it seems to be a looong time till then. This weekend we got a lot of snow. It's no fun !!

Unknown said...

Hi Annika, nice to see you again with this gorgeous card. SO NICE COLOURED and those boots are made for walking girl!! Wauw exact the same colour as the ribbon and love also the nice button flower, so original!!
Hope you are feeling fine but don´t lost yourself in stress.
Hugs Ageeth xx

debby4000 said...

Oh this is so adorable Annika and so cute.
Ease yourself into blogging gently.

Suzi Mac said...

It's so lovely to have you back with us Annika, you've been missed sweetie. Your enthusiasm will return, your still healing hun, I love this wee card, such a cute image and I love all the pretty papers and detail.
Blessing for you.
Suzi x

Dorcas said...

Hi Annika!!!!!!! :-D
I'm so glad to hear from you. I've been thinking about you tons and wondering how you were coping. Just take your time and we will be glad to hear from you / see you whenever you are able to face the world.
Such a cute card you've created here. I can imagine how you may be feeling creative- wise. When only a week or so passes without coloring, I look at my tin of pencils with something akin to horror. "What do I do with these???"
Nice to have you back, buddy. :-)

Tracy said...

So good to have you back Annika! Been thinking about you often. Lost your grip on Copics? Yeah right! :-) This is adorable! I love the wet look embossing on the paper edges.
It really is good to have you back. Hang in there kiddo. Hugs!

Amy Johnson said...

Super cute card! Glad your back!

cnelson said...

hugs to you! so glad you are back!
such a cute, cute card!

Renkata said...

Wlcome back dear Annika.
I have missed you.
Hope you are feeling a bit better.
Such a sweet and cute card.
Love the boots :)

Cheryl said...

Welcome back my friend! Your card is as gorgeous as always! I love how you colored this image.

Julie M said...

How lovely to see you back creating and blogging, Annika. I'm sorry this month has been bad, it's very early days still for you, hopefully the stretch in the evenings and maybe a bit of better weather will help make you feel a little bit better. Take good care of yourself.

Julie x

Stacey G.-2 Craf-t-4u said...

Welcome back! We sure did miss you! We totally understand though and know it will take a lot of time before you are back to crafting like you did. We will be happy when we see you. Think of you often! Love your card! Your coloring is great! It is like riding a bike. It comes back! Love the embossing too!

chris said...

I really have missed your incredible art work, so pleased to see you back.
hugs chris xx

Archies Mum said...

So glad to see you back. You haven't lost your touch, your card is beautiful and your colouring perfect. Have missed seeing your posts. Welcome back :)

Julie said...

Hi Sweetie,tis lovely to see your name come up on my blog list today. It's been a rough time I can imagine,your blogging family are always here for whenever you're up to share your beautiful creations. Take good card of "You!" Hugs,Julie.x

Di said...

Hi Annika
So glad your feeling a little better, it will take a long time to heal, just go at your own pace and use the crafting for your therapy. This card is just awesome, i love your cards
BIg snuggle hugs

Di xxxxxx

Marlene said...

Your card is beautiful...and as usual, colored perfectly!

I'm so glad to see you're back! Missed you and wondered how you were doing.

Anneke said...

Welcome Back :) And what a amazing card!! So lovely this cute duck!! And you color work is really beautiful!! Hugs Anneke

Stella said...

It's good to see you back creating. I love the spring "look" of this card. It's gorgeous!

Chris Olsen, Glowbug said...

Beautiful Annika!! I just adore your talent my friend!! I love, love, love your coloring and the speckled technique you used here. So springy and adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

Truly so amazing girl!! LOVE LOVE LOVE your coloring and the embossing with it is wonderful!! Beautifully done my friend!! HUGS


So glad to see you blogging again Annika - I have missed your wonderful projects and amazing inspiration. Wishing you happier times to come - Love and hugs, Sylvia xxxx

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