And a neat eater she is too. Seriously, all it took was just bite of chocolate cake from her brothers birthday cake. THAT'S why her birthday cake looked like this:
And now to some really COOL shopping news. Really, folks, I'm almost twitchy with need-need-need!!
Viva Decor Pearl Pens are in stock at 7 Kids College Fund! YAY!!!! Soooo easy to make pearls!! And I LOVE pearls. As you might have noticed. Ahem.
There's also Viva Glitter Liner Pens (oh those are amazing, really, you can make glittery swirls - I've tried and they come out FAB) and Viva Glass Effect Pens - haven't tried those yet but definitely will!!!
AND there's new Basic Grey in stock too - Jovial, Pyrus and Wander. I have Jovial already - oh it's yummy - and I'm waiting for Pyrus and Wander. Enter code JOVIAL10 to get 10 % off ALL in stock Basic Grey until Sept. 22nd!
There's also some new Popcorn The Bear stamps (can you say "CUUUTE!!!").
And have you seen the new SWALK stamps already? No? Oh, you must have a look, gorgeous artwork!
Now then, and on that note I'll take my leave - very busy day ahead.

Happy Thursday Annika,Hope your little beauty had a great birthday! I do hope that you also do scrapbooking as I'm sure you have some amazing cake eating photos! catch you later,hugs Julie.x
What happy photo's, the joy is seeping out, it is so lovely. Have a great day. xxx
You're such an enabler!! lol can I have one of each please? Those pens are awesome. Have you tried the pearl pens on paper? I only saw them mention that it was good for fabric, canvas etc..I go through so many adhesive pearls that squirty pearls from a bottle may work out cheaper.
Hi HUn
Congrats on your Little girls birthday! she is just lovely my baby is now 14 and oh i so wish she was that size again!!lol!
Hugs Di xxx
Happy Happy Birthday to your little cutie patootie! How the heck did I miss that?!? Never been to 7 kids college fund to shop......gee thanks! Their prices are great and they have a fantastic selection. Your killin my budget girlie! Big hugs for a fabulous day sweetie.
ooh she likes cake and More cake, bless her. x
Such a beautiful little girl, hope she enjoyed her Birthday, and hope you did too.
Love the expression on your daughter's face as she is looking at the cake - priceless!! These are very special times! I had already checked out 7 Kids and noticed the pearl pens and the new Basic Grey Paper - love the Jovial line - got to get that one and those pearl pens! - will wait till see what you do with the Glass Effects pens - they sound very interesting!! Have a great day!!!
Wow what a CAKE! Yum!!!!!! You just gotta wear it too you know! LOL! Hope your gorgeous little girl had a great day. Brodie sure did and the girls at work got bone-shaped brownies for a treat!
You know, its a good thing my DH can't see my credit card bill.... and here I go again, just having to go shopping again! ENABLER!!!!!!
Happy Birthday to the adorable Birthday girl. :)
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